What We Do

World Deaf Architecture (WDA), which is one of a few “Event” groups in the subdivision of the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive at American Institute of Architects (AIA), is involved with the AIA Communities and Networks for professional architects, designers and teachers who are deaf, deaf-blind, hard of hearing or severe hearing loss who are members and nonmembers of AIA (thereafter designated as ‘deaf/hard of hearing’). WDA endeavors to bring together American and International deaf/hard of hearing architects, designers and teachers to provide opportunities for networking, professional development, and education worldwide.


Within the AIA organization and activities, WDA goals also include the following:

  • Bring together deaf/hard of hearing professionals to share common experiences, knowledge, and expertise.

  • Conduct forums for both deaf/hard of hearing and hearing professionals on how they can work together effectively.

  • Educate hearing professionals about the benefits of hiring, developing, and promoting deaf/hard of hearing professionals

  • Provide deaf/hard of hearing professionals with resources to develop, market, and grow their own practices.

  • Improve access to information and education for deaf/hard of hearing professionals (Language modification, interpreting, and captioning).

  • Provide deaf/hard of hearing student mentoring.